Puddledock Press

About the Puddledock Press

Originally an agricultural settlement, the early homes were farms in the Merrill's Corner section, hence the town name.  In the 1800s, the establishment of water-powered industries along the Cocheco, Ela and Mad Rivers caused a population shift with the present downtown area evolving near these rivers.  The subsequent construction, in 1849, of a railroad through the mill area brought further prosperity and cemented the location of the town commercial center.  In the early days this business area was referred to as "The Dock" or "Puddledock," a name which endures today on the masthead of the local newspaper, The Puddledock Press.

The Puddledock Press is no longer published monthly in print form.  To have an item of local interest considered for publication on he website, submit it to:
The Puddledock Press of Farmington, New Hampshire
569 Main Street
Farmington, NH   03835
Letters to the Editor are welcome and will be printed at the discretion of the Editor, space permitting. Letters published are not necessarily the opinion of the staff. Please submit your letters to PuddledockPress@gmail.com.

Find out more at www.PuddledockPress.org

Some past Puddledock Press are uploaded on the Farmington Historical Society's Scribd pages.  http://www.scribd.com/FarmingtonNHHistory

Puddledock Press Archives