7:00 pm
Henry Wilson Museum Museum
Goodwin Library
Goodwin Library
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Review of Minutes: August 2014
Treasurer’s Report
2014-15 Presentations: Discussion
Town Pound: Clean-up Completed Thanks to Stan Freeda, Kyle Leach, and Rodney Thompson.
Website Updates/Social Media
Hayday: Discussion/Review
Meetings: October - 3 Oct - Presentation: J.W. Ocker. Refreshment to be provided.
November - 7 Nov - Annual Meeting - Pot luck - Elections. To be held in Congregational Church.
Other Business
Step out of your high-stress, high-tech world for a few moments and savor the classic Christmas adventure - choosing your own tree from high on a hill at Sundance Farm. Susan will share the experiences of Christmas Tree farming in New Hampshire. Her farm has 100s of season-ready, hand-sheared fir and pine, in many varieties, that you can harvest on your own. There is also a just-cut selection. Sundance Farm also has wreaths to grace your front door.
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