Farm Museum restoration boosted by LCHIP grant

The New Hampshire Farm Museum received good news in the New Year! The Museum was awarded a grant of $50,000 from New Hampshire’s Land & Community Heritage Investment Program for repairs and restoration of the Jones Farmhouse stone foundations, sill replacement, mold remediation and drainage work.

This work is part of a larger Jones Farm restoration project which began a few years ago with an Historic Structures Report which outlined the essential work needed to restore the connected structures of the Farm. A new roof for the entire 275-foot long collection of buildings was installed last winter by New England Roofing of Rochester and funded by many donations from local people and a previous LCHIP grant. This past summer the entire front facade of the Jones Farm structures was painted its original tavern colors of mustard yellow with evergreen trim and crab apple red window sashes by local painters Billy McGowan and Ken Whelan who specialize in painting historic buildings.

This new grant award will allow the museum to complete another phase in the restoration of the Jones Farm. The Museum will begin to raise the matching funds which the grant requires and plans to begin work by June of this year. 

Read the article by Kathleen Shea in the Rochester Times at

Learn More

Robert Edmund Jones: From Milton Farm Boy to Hollywood Producer on the Farmington Historical Society

The NH Farm Museum on the Web at

Discover Rural New Hampshire on Fun Farm Tour in the Nashua Telegraph at


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