Meeting House Painting Donated to the New Durham Historical Society

Cathy Orlowicz and Dottie Bean display the New Durham Meeting House painting to the audience.
At the regular meeting of the Farmington Historical Society last night, President Dottie Bean, on belhalf of the members of the Historical Society presented a painting to the New Durham Town Historian and Historical Society President, Cathy Orlowicz.  The painting was of the New Durham Meeting HOuse and was painted by New Durham historian and author, Ellen Jennings.  Farmington Historical Society President, Dottie Bean, said that the painting had been in the possession of the Farmington Historical Society for quite some time, and that it "really belongs in New Durham."  In her acceptance of the gift, Cathy Orlowicz thanked the membership of the Farmington Historical Society for the generous gift, and told the group that the painting is actually one in a set of four paintings by Ellen Jennings, each painting depicting the Meeting House in different season of the year. Farmington's donation of the "Fall Meeting House" painting represented the third Meeting House painting found by the New Durham Society.  The "Winter Meeting House" painting is still out there somewhere.  Anyone with any knowledge of the whereabouts of this painting should contact the Cathy Orlowiczat the New Durham Historical Society.  They'd love to know where all four of these lovely paintings are!

Cathy Orlowicz
President New Durham Historical Society

The New Durham Historical Society was once part of the Historical Society of Farmington and New Durham.  The group separated into the two historical societies in 1991.  The New Durham Historical Society meets the second Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December at 7:30 pm in the New Durham Public Library.

New Durham Meeting House
Fall Meeting House
painted by Ellen Jennings

Ellen Cloutman Jennings authored the 18962 publication, "The History of New Durham, New Hampshire, From the First Settlement to the Present Time, Including That Part of Alton Which was Formerly New Durham Gore." (New Durham, N.H.: Ellen Cloutman Jennings, 1962.)

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