November 3rd Historical Society Hosts membership Pork Roast Dinner and Annual Meeting

          "Roast Pork Dinner"

Friday, November 3
6:00 pm
in the First Congregational Church Vestry

presented by 
Farmington Historical Society
at our Annual Meeting

This year, the Historical Society is breaking with our traditional Pot Luck and opting for a catered meal.  The meal will be provided by the Mustard Seed Café, the community meal group that features a donation community meal on the first and third Sundays of the month, October through April.  

This year our menu will feature Roast Pork with potato, gravy, side vegetable, and dessert.  Vegetarians can enjoy lasagna, and there will be a gluten free option for those who request it in advance.

The dinner is $10.00, payable to the Farmington Historical Society, in advance to reserve your seat.  We need a count by October 20, so please mark your calendars and reserve your seat now.  Our Treasurer, Rebecca Howard, will be accepting cash or checks for your reservation.  Contact her, or any member of the Historical Society to reserve your seat.  

We will have a brief meeting after the meal, celebrate our past year of successes in the Society and elect a new slate of officers for the coming year.  Dues will be due at the Annual meeting and are $5.00 per person.  

If you are not currently a member, you can join and attend the dinner, or just join us for dinner!

Learn More About
The Mustard Seed Café at


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