November 6: Annual Pot Luck Dinner Meeting

Friday, November 6th
6:30 pm
Congregational Church Vestry
Main Street, Farmington
presented by 
Farmington Historical Society
Officers and Members

Come join us for our annual meeting and Pot Luck Dinner on Friday, November 6th at 6:30 in the vestry of the Congregational Church on main street.  Bring a dish to enjoy with friends. Beverages and desserts will be provided by the Society.  The food will be brought by the membership.   Members  are encouraged to bring family and friends to help us celebrate another great year.  New members are always welcome.  If you ever thought of becoming a member, this is a great time to do it. Please join us.

Tentative Schedule
6:30 PM             Commence Annual Pot Luck Supper.
8:00 PM             (Approx) Historical Society Meeting and Election of Officers

Historical Society dues are due at the Annual Pot Luck Meeting, so bring your $5.00!  At these rates, the entire family can join!
After the meal, we will conduct a brief business meeting.  New officers will be elected for the coming year.  If you would like to run for office or nominate a candidate, please contact us at and let us know.

Hope to see you at the Annual Pot Luck Meeting to welcome in our new year!

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